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Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

For the construction industry, modularisation and offsite construction methods are not new, but what is changing is the innovative way these solutions can be delivered into our projects and value it has offered our customers.

There are all sorts of projects and scenarios where offsite construction has been of a huge benefit to our customers. Projects such as Hackwood School and Highfields Spencer Academy, both located in Derby. Where offsite construction methods meant that the schools were delivered in around nine months, to accommodate the need for additional school places due to an increase in housing development and growing communities.

Aerial view of the Highfields Spencer Academy, showing its proximity to a new housing development
Highfields Spencer Academy in Derby, an offsite construction build which is made up of 45 pre-fabricated modules. The school was delivered in nine months to create additional school spaces for additional 1,200 being built.

Speak to the team about our offsite construction experience.

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With such as range of solutions and the innovation in modern methods of construction and offsite being delivered by our supply chain, the video below is just a range of the projects we’ve delivered across the UK.

An example of a sample room at a residential project, which shows the kitchen and living area of an apartment